The Revealer of Secrets

Have you ever had a dream that bugged you, seemed important, maybe life-changing, but you just couldn’t remember it? You knew when you woke up that Someone was trying to tell you something important. Sometimes God is speaking to you, trying to get through to you through your subconscious mind in a dream.

In Daniel chapter 2 in the Old Testament, Nebuchadnezzar had a dream he couldn’t remember. He called his wise men, the magicians and astrologers, to tell him the dream and then give him the interpretation. Their response was, “You got to be kidding, king. No one can tell you your dream except the gods.” The king was so mad he called the soldiers and said, “Kill them all, even the wise men who aren’t here today.”

Daniel and the three Hebrew men were in a pickle. Their lives were on the line, because of something they were not even involved in. Instead of moaning and groaning, “Why me, Lord? I didn’t do anything wrong yet the King is out to get me,” Daniel called a prayer meeting.

“Then the secret was revealed to Daniel in a night vision. So Daniel blessed the God of heaven.” Daniel 2:19. Notice he didn’t wait till the king called off the execution to praise God. He praised Him in advance.

God found a way to get the dream and interpretation to the king even though he had forgotten what he dreamed. If the dream you forgot is bugging you, just remember that God will find a way to get that information to you if it is important to your future.

When Daniel went before the king, he told Nebuchadnezzar, “The secret which the king demanded, the wise men. . .cannot declare to the king, but there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets.” (Daniel 2:27-28)

God will get the right information to you at just the right time.