Onyx, Bdellium, and Gold

Gold is selling for $1660 today and silver for $31 an ounce. Gold-buying parties are popping up everywhere. Existing businesses are now buying gold and silver too. There’s big money to be made, whether you are buying or selling. A tiny handful of broken necklaces and earrings can bring you $100.

The Bible story of Creation tells us, “Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from there it parted, and became four riverheads. The name of the first is Pishon: it is the one which skirts the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; And the gold of that land is good. Bdellium and the onyx stone are there.” Genesis 2:10-12

God created the whole earth, and He put gold near the Garden of Eden, before He ever created man. He put everything here in this earth that man would need for the rest of the time that the earth and man would be in existence, and made sure that there was plenty of it here.

The gold is symbolic of our spirit. When we have been born again, our spirits are pure as gold.

The bdellium or myrrh (also in some references an aromatic resin) is symbolic of our soul, which is made up of our mind, will, and emotions. Resin or myrrh is fragrant which reminds me of our emotions—sweet, salty, rosy, or sour like a dill pickle. Resin is also easily impressed. As a child, we are impressionable, and then as we or the resin is exposed to the world, we and the resin get hardened, holding the form of the impressions.

The onyx in the Bible mentioned here is the color of a man’s fingernail, not the black color we are familiar with. I believe this onyx refers to our body.

There are the three parts of our person: our body represented by the onyx, soul represented by the bdellium, and spirit represented by the gold.

God placed all three here on this earth at one time in one place before He made man to show us a picture of ourselves.