Music More Perfectly

You all probably would never guess it but I’m just a little bit OCD—Obsessive  Compulsive Disorder. When combined with Perfectionism, this can be serious. I’m not one to make fun of psychological problems, but I guess it’s okay if you’re talking about yourself..

I started taking piano lessons in the 3rd grade and stopped about halfway through my senior year, because I was too busy with senior things to practice. Then I took a year of piano and music theory at ORU in college. I will never be a concert pianist, but I can play hymns and praise music. I have always considered myself a singer who plays piano to accompany herself to sing.

I have one peculiarity—I have to finish the “phrase” in a song. If I am interrupted when playing, I have to go back and finish the verse or chorus. There is something in my brain that nags at me until I go back and finish it.

Then you add Perfectionism, and if I get stuck in a song when learning it, I have to practice it over and over until I get it right.

This is not to say, I always play every song perfectly, but I strive to practice to perfection, and then when it’s time to play it for real, I do the best that I can do, and don’t feel bad if it’s not perfect.

King David brought the ark of the covenant into the city of David, Jerusalem, and placed it in the tent or tabernacle that he had built for it. Then he appointed musicians to minister before the Lord in the tabernacle, singing and playing the musical instruments of God. (See I Chronicles 16:4 & 42.)  These musicians were well-trained and spent their lives worshiping the Lord.

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:23 New King James Version.

I would never compare myself to those musicians of God, but I strive to be perfect in everything I do. Every song I sing or play, I do it for the Lord.