Escaping the Flood

When the threat of the hurricane was announced by the National Weather Service, all the television news reports pleaded with the residents to evacuate the area because the Hurricane Isaac was on its way into the area. The governor of each state begged people of the affected areas to move to safer ground, to higher ground, advised them that the threat was real and high water and hurricane force winds were imminent.

But there are always those who say, “We’ve heard that all our lives. We’ve lived in this same house in this same town all our lives and nothing has ever bothered us. We’ll be fine. It will all blow over. We’ll ride it out. Our windows are boarded up. We’ve closed the doors and gone to the middle of the house and it’ll be okay.”

Then the winds came and the flood came. They climbed the stairs to the second floor, to the attic, to the roof, where they hung on for dear life, until a plane flying over saw them and sent a boat.

“Why didn’t you leave when you could? Why didn’t you take your prized possessions and go?”

“We didn’t think it would get this bad. Everything we have is gone. We’ve lost it all.”

Saint Peter tells about scoffers in the last day who say, “Your Jesus Christ promised to come, didn’t He? Where is He? We’ve heard about it all our lives, that these are the last days, but He hasn’t come yet, so I guess He’s not coming. Yes, times are bad but I’ve done a pretty good job of taking care of myself so far and I’ll be okay. I’m a good person, I’ll make it to heaven alright.” (See II Peter 3:3-4.)

You can’t make it to heaven on your good works. There is only one way to make it to heaven— make Jesus Christ your Lord and Saviour.

Jude 23, “Save others by snatching them out of the fire; and to others show mercy mixed with fear.”

There will be some people that will make it to heaven, just barely, snatched out of the fire, or flood, rescued by God through the help of some worker who puts his life on the line to see that a soul is saved from the fire or the flood.