Asparagus Bed

I’ve been picking three or four asparagus stalks a day for several weeks now, from just a small bed of asparagus in my flower bed, putting them in a glass of water until I accumulate enough to cook.

I should have planted more asparagus when I planted that flower bed. I should have planted a whole garden bed dedicated just to asparagus, but that would mean digging out the grass and preparing ground that hadn’t ever been used for gardening, as far as I know. And that’s a lot of work, more than I wanted to do at that time, when I was moving into this house, so I just dug a few holes, dropped the roots in, covered them up with dirt, and let them grow naturally with no attention from me, except harvesting the asparagus in season when I see they are the right size.

Did you know that asparagus will grow right up through the Hosta plants? Did you know you can pick a good-tasting asparagus stalk out of 10-inch high weeds if you can find it?

Just imagine what a fine crop of asparagus I could get if I really worked at it. I could make a dedicated asparagus garden instead of the flower bed, and plant more roots for a bigger crop next year.

You can’t plant 3 asparagus roots and expect to get enough asparagus to feed a crowd. That is what the Bible calls “sowing sparingly.”

“He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” II Corinthians 9:6

The Law of Sowing and Reaping is in effect in God’s spiritual kingdom as well as in nature. What you sow you will also reap in the spiritual world. How much you sow in God’s kingdom determines how much and what you will reap back. The world speaks of ‘karma,’ or says, ‘what goes around comes around’ but it is really God’s Law of Sowing and Reaping that is taking place. And that can be good things or bad, positive things, not just negative things always.

Whatever a man sows that’s what he’ll reap and how much he sows determines how much he’ll reap. Just ask any Oklahoma gardener.