Crappie Dinner

One Sunday, years ago, I was hungry for fish. I was going through a divorce, so money was tight. One of my neighbors fished a lot but he had already told me that he’d given away his last catch and his freezer was empty.

I remember praying a simple prayer, like “Jesus, I’d sure like to have some fish to eat.” About 2 p.m. a kid from down the street rang the doorbell. This family had 3 or 4 little kids under 10 years old and they tormented me a lot, running in and out of my house just like their own. “Mom said to ask you if you want some fish.” I was shocked. Was the Lord going to answer my prayer through them? Of course I said yes, and started to get the sink ready to clean them. Here came that kid again with a plate of fresh fried crappie hot off the fire. “Mom cooked these fish but us kids don’t like them,” and ran off to play.

I recall a story in John 21 that happened after Jesus rose from the dead. Peter had told the others, “I’m going fishing.” The others said, “We’ll go with you.” But they fished all night and caught nothing. When dawn broke, Jesus stood on the beach and called, “Boys, did you catch any fish? Do you have anything to eat with your bread?” They said, “No!” Jesus said, “Cast your net on the right side of the boat,” and they caught so many they couldn’t haul them all in. Peter jumped off and swam to shore. When he got there, Jesus had a fire going, and fish and bread ready to eat. And Jesus said, “Come and have breakfast.”

I believe the feast in heaven may just be crappie and fresh fried hushpuppies, cooked by Jesus Himself.